Feb 6, 2010

Wine Trivia

Age of vine before producing useful grapes-3 years

Age of vine before full production-5 years

Productive lifetime of a vine-30-35 years- Although the quality can remain good, the yield begins to decrease after that

Grape clusters in bottle-4-5

Grapes in a bottle-500-600

Clusters on a vine-40

Grapes in a cluster-75-100

Grape clusters in one glass of wine-1

Vines per acre-500-1300

Pounds of grapes produced by one vine-8-12

Tons per acre-4 (average-can vary greatly)

Gallons of wine per ton of grapes-120

Gallons of wine per acre-less than 500

Barrels per acre-13.5

Bottles per vine-4-6

Bottles per ton-500-700

Bottles per acre-4,000

Cases per barrel-24.6

Glasses per acre-16,000

Glasses in a bottle-5-6

Bottles per 60 gallon barrel-300

Calories in a 5 ounce glass of dry wine-100-125

Fat in a 5 ounce glass of dry wine-0

Carbohydrates in a 5 ounce glass of dry wine-1-2

Cost of French oak barrel-$600-850

Cost of American oak barrel-$300-550

Average age of a French oak tree used to make barrels-170 years

Number of years an oak barrel is used-5-8

Proportion of total value at harvest of red varietals compared to white-Nearly 3:1

Ranking of United States in world wine production (1999)-4th-533,596,000 gallons (behind Italy, France and Spain) 2008)

Ranking of United States in world wine acreage (1999)-4th-905,000 acres

Ranking of United States in world wide consumption-Second place - soon to become first

Percentage of U.S. wine made in California-90%

Average annual soft drink consumption of Americans per capita-55 gallons

Average annual beer consumption of Americans per capita-22 gallons

Average annual coffee consumption of Americans per capita-22 gallons

Average annual bottled water consumption of Americans per
capita-11 gallons

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